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Family Education

Need something to offer families to support their growth and ability to be the best adults they can be in the life of their child?

Summertime Doesn't Have to be Screentime

"Whenever I take the iPad away, there is a huge meltdown. How did we get to this point?" Learn the effects of screens on the development of young children and its impact on mental health. Develop a plan to create household guidelines around the use of screens. Discover ways to get your child outdoors and independantly engaged in creative, fun and imaginative experiences.

Being Your Best Parent Self

"Whenever I get upset, I sound just like my mom... and not in a good way." This family class focuses on practical tips to help you thrive as a parent. Learn some common ways that we sabotage our best efforts in guiding our children and what to do instead. Increase kindness, clarity and respect in your home. Get ready to level-up your parenting game and build a stronger family bond!

Managing BIG Emotions!

"My house is complete chaos and at any point in time, someone is either crying or fighting or screaming. HELP!" This family class focuses on teaching practical strategies for handling strong feelings. The class will cover a variety of tools and techniques that you can put into action right away. By learning how to navigate emotions effectively, families can build stronger bonds and create a more harmonious home environment.

The Art of Praise

"But what is wrong with 'good job'?" This family class focuses on positive affirmation techniques that help children develop a healthy, kind inner voice. Participants will learn how to effectively praise their children to boost self-esteem and motivation. Through interactive activities, families will explore different ways to give genuine and specific praises for a more encouraging and supportive environment at home.

Emotional Regulation & Anxiety in Young Children

Explore practical strategies to help young children manage big feelings and anxiety. Empower your family with tools to promote emotional regulation and build resilience in your little ones.

The Elementary Years: Peers, Acquaintances, Friends, & Frenemies

"Oh no. What has happened to my sweet baby and where did that fun-loving preschooler go?" Our elementary children are becoming social creatures faster than we ever imagines. "Where do I fit in?" "How can I belong?" You may see more worry & anxiety, struggles with positive peer relationships. Their self-regulation skills are a mess. Let's talk about the difference between peers, acquaintances, friends and frenemies. How can you help your child move through this bumpy transition?

Clear=Kind Essentials of Household Relationships 

YOU KNOW THOSE TIMES WHEN EVERYONE IS MELTING DOWN, YOU'RE CRYING AND EVERYTHING IS FALLING APART? Analyze the ways we get in our own way, investigate how our family shaped how we treat others, and improve your tools to lead with clarity, confidence, and certainty. (5-week series)

Conversations with Children About Consent 

Discussing the aspects of boundaries and consent with young children can seem so incredibly daunting and uncomfortable that we sometimes avoid the conversation altogether. Learn how to talk with children about their own voice and choices in a way that acknowledges the various facets of consent. Learn some basics of consent, the ways we inadvertently teach children that consent is not important and practice strategies to bring back to your home.

3 classes that are Montessori-specific:

1. Why Montessori for Kindergarten?
There is something extraordinary that happens in the Kindergarten year in Montessori classrooms! Join us to learn about what's possible before your child transitions to an elementary classroom with us or elsewhere.

2. What Happens in a Montessori Elementary Classroom?

Do you wonder about the mysteries unfolding in a Montessori Elementary Program? "What can I expect my child to experience?" "Is it worth it?" "But my neighborhood school is pretty good..."

Hear about what happens in the classroom and what happens as your child stretches into the Second Plane. Also hear from alumni who have soared after their years in our Elementary program.

3. Five Ways to a Montessori Life

"How can I better support my child in becoming the person they are meant to become?" "I want our family to be more peaceful, calm, and intentional all around."

The more we learn about Montessori, the more it tends to seep into all aspects of our lives. We find ourselves seeing the world just a little bit differently, seeking a deeper perspective, and making changes. Join us to hear five simple ways to live a life guided by Montessori values. You may be surprised to find how closely this aligns with what you already do!

Children and Aggression: Is There Such a Thing as a 4 year-old Bully?

“Bullying is a behavior, not an identity.” With nearly one in five children experiencing aggression each year, it is no wonder this topic is on the minds of families. Creating a safe, happy, and healthy childhood is a common goal we all share. This workshop explores resources and options to address this behavior and discusses how to offer support and guidance to all parties involved. Learn how to build empathy and assist your students to identify ways to increase understanding toward others.

Big Emotions! Keeping Your Cool When Things Get HOT!

We all experience emotions that are BIG and hard to manage. Learn ways to support your child with the calm, assertive presence of a 'mossy rock'. Explore ways to help your child self-regulate when the world seems to be crashing down.

Supporting With Empathy: Make it Better With Real Connection

Empathy has the power to calm children experiencing big emotions. It can make children instantly feels better knowing that the adult in their life understands them and welcomes their emotional expression. Learn simple ways to let children experience being authentically heard, seen and understood within clear, calm boundaries. When a child feels this, her ability to skillfully manage emotions grows. Practice some self-reflection to pinpoint approaches that support and do not support children with empathy. When empathy is calm, reassuring, patient and real, it always works to deepen the relationship.